Monday, May 24, 2010

Moffat Dishwasher Reviews


The "Hybrid Solar Panel" is a panel that integrates solar photovoltaic and thermal energy in a single device.

The two variants of the panel are adapted to the environment in which they are used:

The hybrid solar panel used in buildings, the existing heat in photovoltaic cells is transferred to a temperature absorber integrated in the rear. The coil is covered by a heat-bearing fluid, the fluid reaches the heat exchanger hot water cylinder, which transfers the heat. The system also enable the cogeneration of electricity and heat, increases the production of electricity to cool the solar panels. The panel
in solar farms are replaced by a water tank cooling system based on radiators that cool the heat-bearing fluid convection air. Thus, the Hybrid Solar Panel is used as a photovoltaic solar panel cooling, concentrating its role in electricity production.
The plant life is longer because the working temperature is lower panels.


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