Monday, May 24, 2010

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crystalline solar cells provide an open circuit voltage of 0.5 volts or so, regardless of how large they are.
The power produced is about 0.25 amps (250 milliamps) per square inch cell. The cells of a panel are connected in series to obtain the desired voltage, but like batteries connected in series, that connection does not increase its power generating capacity. For example, a panel with five-inch 36 cells produce about 18 volts can produce a current of 5 amps, which means a power of 90 watts (the power is the result of voltage by the current intensity).


specific power panel is available only when the sun reaches its highest point and sunlight falls full and no angle on the panel, the rest of the day the panel generates a lower amount of current. To approximate the performance of a panel installed horizontally on our boat, we can not expect more than what amounts to maximum performance for four hours, ie a panel that specifies an output of 5 amps provide about 20 amp-hours in a day sunny. When choosing a solar panel takes into account you'll need at least 14.4 volts at the time of maximum insolation, which as discussed below, is when the maximum temperature reached


efficiency solar cells lose voltage when its temperature rises. For every increase of 6 º C, performance decreases by about 3%. No wonder that a solar panel available in summer temperatures above 50 º C, causing a voltage reduction of 15%


panels self-regulated are those with fewer cells (30 or 33 ) and thus produce a voltage that can be applied directly to charging 12 volts. Unfortunately, the voltage drop caused by the increase in temperature makes them ineffective compared with panels of 36 cells. If you plan to sail in tropical and temperate latitudes, choose panels with 36 cells.

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In port, the solar panels could be oriented along the sun's position for maximum performance at all times of day. Sailing, due to random motion of the ship and its variable course, the best option is to guide the panel horizontally. As it is odd that the port install a monitoring system the sun, consider the maximum height by latitude and season in which it is located. If you do not want to overly complicate your life, leave the panel in horizontal position.


Some panels are too sensitive to the presence of shadows, even a narrow shade of a stay or a shroud can affect a decrease in output voltage. The solution always lies in placing the solar panels in places where we have guaranteed sunshine without shadows, especially in the middle of the day.


As mentioned above, the panel operating temperature significantly affects the output voltage, so a well ventilated panel or two panels with ventilation between them is a wise consideration.


In relation to the peak current (maximum current snapshot) that can provide a solar panel, it is advisable to oversize the wiring used, since the difficulty of obtaining a good exposure to sunlight combined with the cost of a solar panel will not want to lose even a tiny bit of power because of an undersized cable. PANELS COMBINE

Like that batteries, multiple panels can be combined to increase the current provided. DIODES

A diode installed in the output + panel lets current flow to the batteries, and prevents night a flow of reverse current that may damage the panel.
A diode at the output of each panel in combination systems provides electrical isolation between them. However
to know that the diodes cause a small loss of voltage, which is another reason to use panels of 36 cells. There Schottky diodes that minimize voltage loss.


Any cable connected directly to the positive of a battery must incorporate a fuse as close to this as possible. In another case a short in the cable represents a serious fire hazard. REGULATOR

If the solar panel output exceeds 1% of battery capacity you need a regulator to prevent overcharging. In fact, anyone with a true appreciation of the wiring in your boat should install solar panels without the appropriate regulator. Some regulators have the function of detecting reverse currents, which would allow the elimination of diodes lock. BYPASS SWITCH

Due to the convenience of submitting periodic deep discharge batteries (the service should be of this type) to a process of equalization (temporary application of a voltage of 16 V with low current current), a switch that disables the temporary regulations allow us to do.


With the batteries connected to solar panels can be given the fact that the engine alternator controller detects a considerable voltage charging circuit and lock the alternator considering that batteries are fully charged. This problem can be solved by inserting a switch output + panel (see the figure above with the blocking diode), or more automatically using a relay to cut power to the panel when the engine ignition is connected.

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A solar panel begins to generate power at the moment he is exposed to sunlight. To avoid the risk of short circuiting, cover the panel for handling by a fully opaque material. Normally

solar panels often lack of problems if they stay clean and do not receive mechanical abuse. To check the operation of these measures are necessary voltage with the panel off and then with the panel connected to the load circuit (see figure). Most of the problems that may arise will be related to corrosion in the junction boxes. If you have a box is recommended that silicone gel-filled once the connection.

Most manufacturers guarantee the performance of the panels for a period of time, assess this information before choosing one or the other. If the performance of the panel decreases by more than 10% before the guaranteed period to claim the manufacturer thinks.

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The "Hybrid Solar Panel" is a panel that integrates solar photovoltaic and thermal energy in a single device.

The two variants of the panel are adapted to the environment in which they are used:

The hybrid solar panel used in buildings, the existing heat in photovoltaic cells is transferred to a temperature absorber integrated in the rear. The coil is covered by a heat-bearing fluid, the fluid reaches the heat exchanger hot water cylinder, which transfers the heat. The system also enable the cogeneration of electricity and heat, increases the production of electricity to cool the solar panels. The panel
in solar farms are replaced by a water tank cooling system based on radiators that cool the heat-bearing fluid convection air. Thus, the Hybrid Solar Panel is used as a photovoltaic solar panel cooling, concentrating its role in electricity production.
The plant life is longer because the working temperature is lower panels.