Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merilyn Sakova Coming

my Mother Christmas Quilt Gifts and wishes

Hello! I hope you had a happy Christmas with your family and I have brought many presents Santa Claus. To me, besides many other things, my mom gave me this beautiful Christmas patchwork quilt all hand made by my mother.

knew I was making it because I saw how he prepared the blocks in the Easter and summer began to quilting but of course, what I was going to imagine it was for me!
You can imagine that I almost cried (I say almost because with his glasses on no one saw me);)

You can see the details of some blocks in the picture above are not seen:

This is the block that I like:

This block is a sheet having the stem filling have one in each corner:

And the precious detail that was the first thing I found when opening the gift:
Andrea, Rafael, Gabriel, with love.
As my mother, made with love, takes like 50 separate padded hearts all around. I loved it;)

sure you liked ... Thank you very much for your comments. If you do not "talk" before, that you have a good start this year. I wish you much happiness and many wishes fulfilled.


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